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When Paul Osman,the Sales Manager of Jayal Motors which makes mopes,visited a city( )to break into a new market,finding an agent was his first job.He was fortunate to be introduced to Adam Fortesque,a well established agent.

Ain an purpose

Bfor the aim

Cfor the try

Din an attempt

正确答案:A (备注:此答案有误)


  • 单选题

    When Paul Osman,the Sales Manager of Jayal Motors which makes mopes,visited a city( )to break into a new market,finding an agent was his first job.He was fortunate to be introduced to Adam Fortesque,a well established agent.


  • 材料题

    erious when the oldest child was eight.The years of hunger weakened the family,because each month Paul paid$5.The details of the sickness were ugly,but the result was this:after twelve years of family life,Paul was alone in the world.He lived alone,except for memories.Work was not now a god for him:it was a pain-killer. Each month he paid,and in time the twenty years ended.From that moment his wages were his own.One day,it was a holiday一he went to the seaside.He sat down on a seat by the sea. A


  • 材料题

    erious when the oldest child was eight.The years of hunger weakened the family,because each month Paul paid$5.The details of the sickness were ugly,but the result was this:after twelve years of family life,Paul was alone in the world.He lived alone,except for memories.Work was not now a god for him:it was a pain-killer. Each month he paid,and in time the twenty years ended.From that moment his wages were his own.One day,it was a holiday一he went to the seaside.He sat down on a seat by the sea. A


  • 单选题

    When Paul’s group fails, he tends to be harsh in judging his subordinates and tends to blame and punish them. Paul is most likely:


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    When the spring compresses, the valve opens.

