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As to two stroke diesel engine, in the part of the cylinder liner inside the scavenging air box there is a series of openings known as _______.

A fuel valves

B scavenging air ports

C indicator cocks

D exhaust ports

正确答案:A (备注:此答案有误)


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    n America has a stroke.Every 3. 1 minutes,someonedies of one.Stroke killed an estimated 167,661 people in 2000 and is the nations thirdleading cause of death,ranking behind diseases of the heart and all forms of cancer. Stroke is a leading cause of serious,long-term disability in the United States.2 Stroke is a type of cardiovascular(心血管的)disease. It affects the arteries(动脉)leading to and within the brain.A stroke occurs when a blood vessel that carries oxygenand nutrients(营养物)to the brain is ei

