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A vessel constrained by her draught shall, when she overtakes a sailing vessel in a fairway, the sailing vessel is _____. A. privileged vessel and keep her course and speed B. burdened vessel and give way to others C. burdened vessel and keep course and speed D. privileged vessel and give way to others





正确答案:A (备注:此答案有误)


  • 单选题

    A vessel with a disabled rudder could be classified as _____. .A. a hampered vesselB. a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuverC. a vessel not under commandD. a vessel constrained by her draught


  • 单选题

    A vessel constrained by her draught shall, when she overtakes a sailing vessel in a fairway, the sailing vessel is _____.A. privileged vessel and keep her course and speedB. burdened vessel and give way to othersC. burdened vessel and keep course and speedD. privileged vessel and give way to others


  • 单选题

    Which statement is true concerning seaplane on the water?A. A seaplane must show appropriate lights but need not exhibit shapes.B. A seaplane should exhibit the lights fbr a vessel constrained by her draft.C. In situations where a risk of collision exists, a seaplane should always give way.D. A seaplane on the water shall, in general, keep well clear of all vessels.


  • 单选题

    ___may be classified as a Ro-Ro vessel. A. A vessel used fbr carrying carsB. A vessel with no engineC. A dredgerD. A fishing vessel


  • 单选题

    According to vessel‘s structure, the extreme fore end of the vessel is called _____.

