“When more and more people are thrown out of work, unemployment results,” Calvin Coolidge once observed. As the U. S. economy crumbles, Coolidge’s silly maxim might appear to be as apt as ever: the number of unemployment insurance claims is rising, and overall joblessness is creeping upward. But in today’s vast and complex labor market, things aren’t always what they seem. More and more people are indeed losing their jobs but not necessarily because the economy appears to be in recession. And old-fashioned unemployment isn’t the inevitable result of job loss. New work, at less pay, often is. Call it new-wave unemployment: structural changes in the economy are overlapping the business downturn, giving joblessness a grim new twist. Small wonder that the U. S. unemployment rate is rising. Now at 5.7 percent, it is widely expected to edge toward 7 percent by the end of next year. But statistics alone can’t fully capture a complex reality. The unemployment rate has been held down by slow growth in the labor force—the number of people working or looking for work—since few people sense attractive job opportunities in a weak economy. In addition, many more people are losing their jobs than are actually ending up unemployed. Faced with hungry mouths to feed, thousands of women, for example, are taking two or more part-time positions or agreeing to shave the hours they work in service-sector jobs. For better and for worse, work in America clearly isn’t what it used to be. Now unemployment isn’t, either. Like sour old wine in new bottles, this downturn blends a little of the old and the new reflecting a decade’s worth of change in the dynamic U. S. economy. Yet, in many respects the decline is following the classic pattern, with new layoffs concentrated among blue-collar workers in the most “cyclical” industries, whose ups and downs track the economy most closely. As the downturn attracts attention on workers’ ill fortunes, some analysts predict that political upheaval may lie ahead. Real wages for the average U. S. worker peaked in 1973 and have been falling almost ever since. As a result, a growing group of downwardly mobile Americans could soon begin pressing policymakers to help produce better-paying jobs. Just how loud the outcry becomes will depend partly on the course of the recession. But in the long run, there’s little doubt that the bleak outlook for jobs and joblessness is “politically, socially and psychologically dynamite”. According to the passage, under the great pressure of life, many women _____.
Awill do a part-time job along with the full-time job
Bwould rather stay at home than apply for a part-time position
Cwould be fired if they can not finish the job quickly
Dwill agree to have their working hours shortened if required
正确答案:A (备注:此答案有误)
When a speech sound changes and becomes more like another sound that follows or precedes it, it is said to be______A.nasalizeD.B.voiceD.
More and more high-rise buildings have been built in big cities space.
_______, the more you are aware of content and meaning.
Gauges used to indicate lower pressures use a more flexible tube that uncoils and coils more readily.
The more diverse knowledge one understands and actively absorbs, the probability of finding useful and _____discoveries.
- 农产品食品检验员
- (初级)经济师
- 网络与信息安全管理员
- 安全工程师
- 健康管理师
- 导游资格证
- 三支一扶
- 法律职业资格(原司法考试)
- 工业机器人操作员
- 物流服务师
- 岩土工程师
- D压力管道作业
- 初级会计职称
- 药学类
- 电工作业
- 工业机器人运维员
- 石油天然气安全作业
- 园林绿化工
- 安全员
- 煤矿主要负责人
- 税务师
- 二级注册建筑师
- 护理类
- 银行招聘考试
- 医药商品购销员
- 注册会计师
- 成考(高起点)
- 职业道德
- 税务考试题库
- 房地产经纪协理
- 养老护理员
- 制冷工
- 监管人员执法
- 保卫管理员
- 冶金(有色)生产安全作业
- 铣床
- 汽车修理工
- 招标师
- 道路运输
- 餐厅服务员
- 劳务员
- 证劵从业(旧版)
- N厂内专用机动车辆作业
- 中级安全工程师
- (高级)经济师
- 缝纫工
- T电梯作业
- 工程测量员
- 电工
- 架子工
- 钢筋工
- 中药学类
- (中级)经济师
- 主要负责人
- 煤矿类从业人员
- 公共营养师
- 期货从业资格
- 教师招聘
- 房地产经纪人
- 房地产估价师
- 证券投资顾问
- 二级建造师
- BIM工程师
- 演出经纪人
- 消防设施操作员
- 安全管理人员
- 会计从业资格考试
- 标准员
- 轨道交通信号工
- 注册测绘师
- 研究生入学
- 园艺工
- 执业药师
- 质量工程师
- 煤矿特种作业人员
- 土木工程师(水利水电)
- A特种设备安全管理
- 网络安全管理员
- 卫生类
- 材料员
- 基金从业资格
- 新安全生产法
- 综合类
- 高处作业
- 形象设计师
- 中式面点师
- 陕西省-社区专职工作人员招聘
- 社会工作者
- 监理工程师
- (初级)银行从业资格
- 无人机驾驶员
- 植物检疫检验员
- 危险化学品安全作业
- 农业技术员
- F安全阀校验
- 机械员
- 心理咨询师
- 理工类
- 质量员
- 施工员
- (中级)银行从业资格
- 环境影响评价工程师
- 制油工
- 军队文职人员招聘
- 高级会计
- 汽车驾驶员
- 初级管理会计师
- 物业管理师
- 注册结构工程师
- 车工
- 烟花爆竹安全作业
- 事业单位公开招聘
- 保育员
- 医师类
- 设备监理师
- Q起重机械作业
- 茶艺师
- 安全员(三类人员)
- 电子商务师
- 焊工作业
- 装饰美工
- 理财规划师
- 投资项目管理师
- 一级建造师
- 特种设备焊接作业
- 家政服务员
- 煤矿安全管理人员
- 土地登记代理人
- P气瓶作业
- 二级造价工程师
- 卫生招聘考试
- 一级注册建筑师
- 健康管理师
- 公用设备工程师
- 中级会计职称
- 仓库管理员
- 焊工
- 教师资格
- 报检员
- 自考(医学)
- 注册城乡规划师
- 美容师
- 制冷与空调作业
- 计算机及外部设备装配调试员
- 注册环保工程师
- 公安政法干警
- 资产评估师
- G锅炉作业
- 投资银行业务-保荐代表人
- 眼镜验光员
- 中式烹调师
- 国家电网招聘
- 金属非金属矿山安全作业
- 美发师
- R压力容器作业
- 检验类
- 注册消防工程师
- 砌筑工
- 报关员
- 证券分析师
- 高校教师资格证
- 证劵从业(新版)
- 驾考科一、科四
- 企业人力资源管理师
- 软件水平考试
- 审计师
- 成考(专升本)
- 统计师
- 家畜饲养员
- 建筑特殊工种
- 会计从业
- 省公务员-行测
- 一级造价工程师
- 试验检测师(含助理)
- Y大型游乐设施
- 煤矿班组长
- 咨询工程师
- 消防工程师
- 国家公务员
- 动物检疫检验员
- 育婴员
- 主治类
- 注册电气工程师
- 同等学力申硕
- 资料员
- 汽车发动机
- 钳工
- 营养师
- 西式面点师