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The following description of the Internet of Things is incorrect ( ) 。 下列关于物联网的描述,不正确的是 A.Network layer is responsible for information transmission between things in Internet of Things architecture 物联网架构中网络层负责物物之间的信息传输 B.The Internet of Things uses radio frequency automatic identification (RFI D) and other technologies to exchange and communicate information. 物联网利用射频自动识别(RFI D) 等技术,进行信息交换与通信

AThe Internet of Things is a networking application based on the existing Internet or the next generation of public or private networks.

B 物联网是架构在现有互联网或下一代公网或专网基础上的联网应用

CIntelligent Logistics, Smart Home, Intelligent Transportation and so on belong to the application of Internet of Things

D 智慧物流

正确答案:A (备注:此答案有误)


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