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A stand-on vessel is ____ . A. required to give way in a crossing situation B. required to sound the first passing signal in a meeting situation C. free to maneuver in any crossing or meeting situation as it has the right-of-way D. required to maintain course and speed in a crossing situation but may take action to avoid collision





正确答案:A (备注:此答案有误)


  • 单选题

    Which vessel is the stand-on vessel when two vessels crossing in fog are NOT in sight of one another?A. The vessel which has the other on her own starboard sideB. The vessel which has the other on her own port sideC. The one which hears the other‘s fog signal firstD. Neither vessel is the stand-on vessel


  • 单选题

    Which statement concerning an overtaking situation is correct?A. The overtaking vessel is the stand-on vessel. B. Neither vessel is the stand-on vessel.C. The overtaking vessel must maintain course and speedD. The overtaking vessel must keep out of the way of the other.


  • 单选题

    If your vessel is the stand-on vessel in a crossing situation ___ .A. you must keep your course and speedB. you may change course and speed as the other vessel must keep clearC. the other vessel must keep her course and speedD. both vessels must keep their course and speed


  • 单选题

    A stand-on vessel in a crossing situation is allowed to take action when ___ .A. on a collision courseB. the vessels will pass within one mileC. it becomes apparent to her that the give-way vessel is not taking appropriate actionD. the relative speed of the vessels incicates collision in less than six minutes


  • 单选题

    You are about to cross a narrow channel when you see an approaching vessel that can only be navigated safely within the channel. You should ____ .A. cross the channel as you are the stand-on vesselB. cross only if the vessel in the channel is approaching on your port sideC. not cross the channel if you might impede the other vesselD. sound the danger signal

