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Text 1 The cost of supporting new windfarms and nuclear power stations to meet the UK"s carbon targets will add nearly£100 to the average household energy bill by the end of the next decade,according to a govemment adviser.But the Committee on Climate Change said it expected the increase to be more than offset by savings as people switched to more efficient fridge freezers,LED bulbs and better boilers.The committee,a body of experts set up under the Climate Change Act to advise the government,found that a rise of~105,or 9%,to the average~1,160 dual fuel bill in 2016 was down to green policies.These included subsidies for windfarms and solar power through schemes such as the Renewables Ob/igation.A report by the committee predicts that meeting the UK"s carbon targets would see the cost of the subsidies rise to£200 0f an average bill of£1,350 by 2030.However,other factors were involved in the net increase.The committee also calculated that rising wholesale energy costs and other issues will add more than£200 a year to bills,while an ongoing switch to more energy-efficient appliances and gadgets is expected to save£150.Matthew Bell,chief executive of the committee,told The Guardian that he thought it was worth spending the money on climate policies.“The reason we"re acting to reduce our emissions is climate change poses real risks,real risks to the UK as well as round the world."The cost was relatively modest,he said,adding:"What our analysis says quite clearly is that as a proportion of total energy costs,climate costs are a small minority portion.The vast majority of your energy bill is accounted by other things,like wholesale costs and transmission costs."Some of the energy companies,such as German-owned E.ON,laid the blame for the rises partly on the cost of supporting green policies.But the Committee on Climate Change said that such policies had in fact saved£290 a year off the average household energy bill between 2008 and 2016,because they had encouraged a shifi to A-rated fridge freezers,condensing boilers and a swing away from old time lightbulbs to energy-saving ones.Bell said that future progress on more energy-efficient appliances was slowing slightly,but there was still potential for huge savings."We"re still seeing only l%oflighting being LEDs.And what we"ve not factored in at all is what IT will do for how we manage energy in our homes,"22.The Committee on Climate Change believed that the increase ofBritish household dual energy bill would

Areach more than what it had been imagine.

Bbe balanced by utilizing more energy-saving devices.

Celiminate the use of efficient home appliances.

Dforce people switch to other apparatus.

正确答案:A (备注:此答案有误)


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