- 提示:Tom和Lester两人正在聊天,彼此问对方上一个周末是怎样度过的。Tom说他上星期六晚上同Simon一道吃了饭,而Lester说他星期日去电影院看了一场电影。 Tom: 51 ? Le...
- Jim was a greedy boy.He enjoyed having good food.One day when he came to have breakfast, he found th...
- There wouldn’t be enough water for us if we didn’t_________.
- 材料题 通读正面的短文,掌握其大意。然后,从每小题的四个选择项中选出可填入相应空白处的最佳选择。 A Shelter for the Homeless Last summer I was a v...
- Seasame Street has been called .the longest street in the world. This is because the television pr...
- 提示:Jack去图书馆借书,但没有借书证(1ibrary card)。图书管理员Linda为他办理了借书证,并告诉他每本书可借两个星期,如果需要,可以续借。 Linda: Good morning...
- Grandma Moses spent most of their life________.
- We forgot to bring our tickets,but please let us enter, ?
- The girl had hardly rung the bell the door was opened suddenly, and her friends rushed out to greet ...
- Brighton is a popular seaside town on the south coast of England. Not long ago, some policemen were ...