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In the digital age,we are forced to move quickly and expected to respond and get things done instantaneously.The rise in digital tools and platforms also aids in great distraction,and many people are left feeling paralyzed about how to be better,faster and Lip to date with everything they need to know in their work and personal lives.lt"s exhausting.For anyone feeling the all-too-familiar procrastination and avoidance that comes from a world with too many choices and pressures,here are five tips to make sure you are keeping on top of everything and avoiding distraction in the digital age.1.Whether it"s a Google doc,or something more robust like Workfront,there"s no shame in needing a little help to get-and keep-yourself organized.Once you adopt a system,customize it to how you like to work,and stick with it.Just don"t let it overwhelm you.If you can keep track of all your due dates and tasks in one place-rather than in your email,in a written notepad,on a whiteboard etc.-it"s much easier to see the big picture and be able to prioritize.2.You can"t climb a mountain in one giant leap,but you can climb it in a bunch of small steps.The same goes for getting things done.Break your tasks down into smaller chunks that are easier to accomplish.If something has been lingering on your list for a few days,figure out at least one thing you can do today to start.It helps you build momentum and-trust me-makes everything seem more attainable.3.Nothing is ever perfect.Believe me;I"m a perfectionist.I"ve tried.And honestly,there are some things that will never be done,You can"i keep tweaking the spacing on an ad forever.You can"t change fonts on that document a million times.Don"t get stuck if you feel like something isn"t 100%.In many cases,98%will be just fine.Or even 95%.Ask for a second opinion if you want.but at some point,call it good enough,and move on.Your sanity will thank you,4.I can"t tell you how many times I"ve arrived at work,looked at my to-do list and thought about how much l was going to accomplish that day.only to have it completely thrown out the window within the first 15 minutes,Things happen.A website goes offline.There"s a PR crisis.The internet is down.You have to take a deep breath.prioriiize and acknowledge that some things are just not going to get done today,and you will have to pick it back up 10morrow.There"s always tomorrow.5.Another perfectionist flaw:"I can do it all by myself!"You won"t get very far if you are always irying to do everything by yourself and you don"t allow others to help.It"s hard to let things go;it really is.But it"s a lot easier when you can trust someone else to handle it than to kill yourself staying until 10 p.m.every night. 1选?

AJust start

BAdopt a tool

CPlan ahead for emergencies

DBe OK with changing priorities

EBuild trust with your co-workers

FDelegate-or at least ask for help

GSomctimes done"is better than"perfect"

正确答案:A (备注:此答案有误)


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    ing a measure of objectivity in its news feed.The company may be in the news business but it has chosen to outsource news credibility to the collective wisdom of individuals and their ability to distinguish truth from falsehood.By placing its trust in people as seekers of truth,Facebook could earn greater trust from its users.This is also a lesson for many companies,especially digital platforms or those in the media business.According to the latest survey of trust in institutions worldwide by Ed


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    ing a measure of objectivity in its news feed.The company may be in the news business but it has chosen to outsource news credibility to the collective wisdom of individuals and their ability to distinguish truth from falsehood.By placing its trust in people as seekers of truth,Facebook could earn greater trust from its users.This is also a lesson for many companies,especially digital platforms or those in the media business.According to the latest survey of trust in institutions worldwide by Ed


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    ing a measure of objectivity in its news feed.The company may be in the news business but it has chosen to outsource news credibility to the collective wisdom of individuals and their ability to distinguish truth from falsehood.By placing its trust in people as seekers of truth,Facebook could earn greater trust from its users.This is also a lesson for many companies,especially digital platforms or those in the media business.According to the latest survey of trust in institutions worldwide by Ed


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